Tuesday, 14 October 2014

Cleaning Our Windshields

Today's Hadith

he Messenger of Allah (sal Allahu alaihi wa sallam) said: “Whoever lifts up the screen of sins from his soul, the pictures of unseen things are disclosed in his soul. Then he can see Paradise which extends in heaven and earth.” [Ihya Ulum Id-Deen]

Don’t you enjoy the beautiful landscape when you see through a sparkling clean windshield. A little bit of dirt on it won’t hurt, but if you let it build up till mud cakes all over it, driving with it becomes extremely hazardous, in fact, practically suicidal.

Similarly, sins cake our souls over with dirt and blot our vision of the Hereafter. Then when we drive the vehicles of our lives we crash and have accidents.

Each sin that we commit blots out a portion of the live transmission coming to us from Allah (subhana wa ta’ala). Each sin we commit smudges how clearly we were seeing the Akhirah and consequently our faith in the realities of the unseen decreases. As the Akhirah gets more blurred we commit more and more sins.

So stop yourself from the sins that you know you are committing. As you begin to clear the screen of sins darkening your soul you will become more sensitive to ones that you didn’t even realize before you were committing.

As sins begin to clear up from your life Allah (subhana wa ta’ala) will grant you the vision that allows you to see and understand things at the level no human, teacher or university can teach.

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